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Is Stoltze Against Children?

February 18, 2012
In my opinion, Kokayi is being too nice.


As the Lead Coordinator I know he has to stay professional. He can’t talk the way we really need someone to talk to resolve this issue. What’s happening right now is just plain wrong.


Hari Dev Singh Khalsa in Juneau said it better, “Oil company BLACKMAIL. BP is trying to hold up school breakfasts and lunches for children to get a tax break. NO FOOD for children who need it for a breakfast until the Republicans let it out of committee. Republicans are refusing until the oil companies get a tax break.”


Kokayi is not fighting the entire House Finance Committee, like he keeps saying. He is fighting one man. Everyone knows it. For instance, Rep. Mike Doogan on the last story Corey Allen Young wrote, when asked about Senate Bill 3 being held up, Doogan clammed up and referred Corey to Bill Stoltze.

Stoltze is the culprit. Stoltze is holding up the Bill. However, the House is passing some Bills — it just passed one requiring an ultrasound before a woman can have an abortion.  Republicans have no problem making babies, but when it comes to feeding babies, oil companies come first. Their priorities are clear.

After Corey’s story aired Wednesday night, those who don’t want kids to eat rolled out talk radio superconservative Dan Fagan.  I’m surprised they did not get [Casey] Reynolds again.  Fagan then went on the offensive against Corey for being a reporter.  WTF?

Wouldn’t you be mad if as a reporter a representative refused to answer or return your call? For over 6 months, Stoltze refused to answer a phone call from Corey.  I’m surprised Corey hasn’t jumped on a plane to confront Stoltze at the Capitol.

A politician who doesn’t love the camera? they only run from spotlights  when they have something to hide.  He can talk after all– he’s on Gavel to Gavel leading the committee meetings!

Stoltze doesn’t want his ass to show; Fagan was told to cover it. Mr. Fagan then resorted to name-calling. He said Corey was “young,” a puerile joke playing off Corey’s name in attempt to discredit him.

Fagan claimed there are no hungry kids because all poor kids are fat.  It’s pointless to argue with someone whose logic is fallacious, consisting mostly of ad hominem attacks, and is not interested in learning why obesity is an issue in poor neighborhoods.

Stoltze will continue to look like an ass until he gets off his rear to pick up the phone and feed Corey a story. I don’t believe he can.

Rumor has it that Corey is not the only one Stoltze is treating like this.  As Chairman of the House Finance Committee, he isn’t talking to visiting School Districts’ officials. The BSA, base student allotment, is up for review this year. Perhaps I’m not supposed to know anything about this, but the public school system taught me how to read — and use a phone! Stoltze is isolating himself from the people, from the voters, and all for a greasy dollar.

The public knows what Kokayi is doing. John Aronno explained it on Facebook during a debate.  John said, “He [Kokayi] used to live with the aid of food stamps, has worked at the Alaska Food Bank, and has been pursuing the passage of this single bill for going on three years now. It’s personal for him.”

“And, as someone who works with the Mountain View Community Council and sees the impact of the School Meals Program,” John continued, “I can speak to what a tremendous difference the program already makes, and how much more impact it can have. Food Bank [of Alaska] is reporting that they’re only meeting about 10% of the demand, and Alaska has 51,000 food insecure children. It’s a big deal.”


Kokayi is being too nice and somebody needs to tell it like it is.


— My name is Chris Kunzler and I approve of this message.

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