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Master Now on Deck

January 31, 2013


Words by DivineGod Sol’Amen Be Allah

PEACE! I come in the divine name of DivineGod Sol’Amen Be Allah. I rest my head in Master Now, or Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am a member of the Nation of Gods and Earth, which means I know myself as God – live and in person.

I have always been a person who wants for others no less that what I want for Self, which is what I see in my Nation as supreme equality. I have fought and I have saved lives. I have done bad before. I’d like to think hands down that I have done more good, outweighing the negative by far.

Not only am I one to advocate for others what I advocate for Self, b.u.t. also affirm in thought and actualization that what I do to others, I only do to Self.

On to other news! Which is the point that I am writing this “END CHILD HUNGER BY 2015!”

I met Royal Star Allah originally in 2008 as a good, friendly Brother on MySpace. We kept a great connection even though I rested in Master Now and he rested in, what Royal Star proudly reveals as Allah’s Kingdom (Alaska) with this huge grin that you do not have to question. Real recognize real!

I spoke to this Brother over the years and stayed on his heels as many of us switched from MySpace to Facebook. Next thing I know, the same person I’m talking to on the power he one is on YouTUBE! Moments later I contact Royal Star via fb and ask “Bro, wtf? I just seen you on YouTUBE?” He starts off about the need for me and mine to take photos that say, “END CHILD HUNGER.”

I got a few babies together and we did like 4 or 5 pictures. The parents joined in (happily.) There’s no way that I could not support such a Cause as to being the number of hungry children in down from 20.6 million to less than 1 million. When a man is working to house, feed and/or clothe a baby I don’t just go and click a like on fb, or click share without asking what I may do on my end. Next thing I did after I seen the YouTUBE and told him about it, I asked, “Is there anything that I can do on my end?”

Firstly, I support feeding babies because it is the only thing that comes natural. I am a big fan of the Mdu Ntr. The word “nature” comes from the word “netcher” (NTR). Kemetian people lived on a land abundant in resources. Nowadays we do not. Everything costs money, which children do not have the freedom, or, may I say, liberty to work and earn their own money for food. Some children end up stealing.

If you care in the first place to even inquiring about “why” they stole the Truth is painfully obvious that they are hungry. In Minnesota, 600,000 people are hungry. 240,000 of them are children. Allah said, “The babies are the greatest.” And, to that I say, peace.

At this point, I would like to ask, because nutrition is supreme, how are the babies suppose to eat if the big brothers don’t step up.

I became Chief of Staff in the Minnesota chapter quickly upon working with Royal Star. We do it all. Right now we are making “TAKE WHAT YOU NEED” signs by hand to get the word out to people that change is on the way.

I support feeding babies because the babies are the future and they deserve to be fed.

I spoke with my Gramma, Mama and a few friends. They think it is DOPE what I am doing. So far, I have came across people who have taken our posters and put them in their pockets.

I am a very diligent volunteer in my community, so if you are in Master Now you may recognize master equality from knocking on your door in the past. To be apart of By2015:AMERICA is a dream that I snatched from the computer, keyboard, monitor, cyberspace and the mouse. Feeding children is a no brainer. Anyone profiting off of hunger needs to be checked for a heart rate. Because, you gotta be a zombie to deny children food.

Peace! Your Brother, DGBA

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